Media Release

We need student and parent permission to use a person's photograph, voice, and/or name in various media projects. Please read the following, then date and sign where indicated. Thank you.
I grant permission for my child to participate and appear in video or audio recordings, films,  photographs, written articles, or on websites and social media sites. his consent includes the use and editing of my child's image, voice and name in media projects by the Bristol Bay Borough School District to print, broadcast or Internet media outlets, such as newspapers, radio and television stations and news websites. In consideration of the opportunity for my child to participate, I release the Bristol Bay BoroughSchool District, including its employees and contractors, from all claims resulting from the use and editing of my child's image, voice or name, and the use, sale, editing and release to media outlets.
Your selection remains valid for all media projects occurring during the school year in which this form is signed. You may change your selection at any time by completing a new form.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Student Name(Required)
Parent or Legal Guardian Name
Parent or legal guardian signature is required if the participant is under 18 years of age.

Student Media-Release Forms

Parent-signed media releases are NOT needed when:
  • Photographing or videotaping anonymous students engaged in normal classroom/ school activities.
  • Photographing, videotaping or interviewing students at events that are open to the public, such as music, theater or athletic events.
Parent-signed media releases are ALWAYS needed when:
  • Students are interviewed or will be identified by name in a photograph/news article.
  • An individual student(s) is the focus of the story.
  • Photographing, videotaping or interviewing students who are in special education classes/ services or certain specialized programs (drug/alcohol, detention/work detail, etc.).
  • You feel the photograph, videotape or interview may be used in a negative way.